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Wednesday 20 March 2013

Humble Beginnings

Found this while browsing on my tumblr blog. It's quite inspirational and the prefect image to sum up what i am trying to do. "WE ALL START SOMEWHERE" and Where and how a creative starts becoming a creative is the question that i would like to explore with my fellow creative friends.

I'll be exploring their past, present and future and asking them why even be creative, is it something they picked up from someone else, are they trying to be different for the sake of being different. I will follow a mix of different creatives trying to understand if all creatives at some point get the same source of inspiration to be creative. My 3rd Year Graphic Design FMP will be either a video or printed (&) material of my investigation of 'The Creation Of Creatives.

The video style will see free, personal with quite a home made movie look, i will be amongst my chosen creatives in a kind of 'fly on the wall' style insight into their creative ventures and project also interviewing in a relaxed style.

I hope i can get a deep understanding standing to why me and my peers do what we do and what keeps us motived to keep being creative.